key properties

Adam Blade
From the author of Beast Quest, this underwater sci-fi adventure series is now under option

Daisy Meadows
From the author of bestselling series Rainbow Magic, this animal fantasy for readers aged 5-7 sold over 3 million copies

Horse adventure series selling over 5 million copies and TV show in its 13th season

Animal adventure series for readers age 6+, selling over 20 million copies, and TV series made in 90s.

Fantasy friendship series selling over 5 million copies and now under option

Over 5 million copies sold, and two seasons of Dutch TV series made

Erin Hunter
From the creator of Warriors this animal fantasy with almost 2 million copies sold is now under option

Erin Hunter
From the creator of Warriors this animal fantasy with almost 2 million copies sold is now under option

Erin Hunter
From the creator of Warriors this animal fantasy for readers aged 9+ is now under option

Comedy vampire tween series for readers aged 9+ now under option

This gleefully ghoulish comedy series is now under option

Comedy werewolf tween series for readers aged 9+ now under option

Mystery series for readers aged 9+ now under option